Jan 31, 2012

Weekend ReCap 1.27-29

I love going into a weekend not knowing what to expect. It makes the events that occur more exciting because they are spontaneous. And sometimes it is more fun not to plan anything than to have a jam packed weekend.

On Friday night I became a little obsessed with Vampire Diaries...I know..but I couldn't stop watching. Nikki and I got some Chinese food and the night was completed...perfectly relaxing.

On Saturday, my friend Ashley invited me to go to Beer Dabbler, a festival at the St. Paul Winter Carnival that serves over 200 kinds of beer. It was really fun! We tried so many different types--the glasses were the size of a shot glass! And we got to play the hammer game where you pound a nail into a log cut out. It sounds weird but it is a really fun game when tipsy! I wish I had taken a few pictures but it was outdoors and freezing so I wasn't taking my mittens off.

Sunday I went home and did some laundry. I helped my mother make some Twice Backed Potato Casserole. Yummy! It is from a super old cookbook..the recipe is below.
 Betty Crocker--Classic
 The Baked Potatoes
 Whisking them up
Yummy Cheesy Potatoes

Twice Baked Potato Casserole
1. Scrub 4 medium potatoes and prick with fork.
2. Cook in 375 degree oven for 1.5 hours.
3. Increase temp to 400 degrees.
4. Cut thin, lengthwise slices and scoop out the inside of potatoes into a mixing bowl.
5. Mix for 2 minutes or until no lumps.
6. Add 3/4 cup milk, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, and 1/4 cup butter/margarine.
7. Beat with whisk for 3 minutes.
8. Fill Casserole dish.
9. Sprinkle with shredded cheese.
10. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

Delicious and according this article, healthier than regular mashed potatoes.

Let me know if you try the recipe..enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. i have the betty crocker cookbook from 1969! i love it; some of the recipes are so dated and funny. like creamcheese balls.

